women's health copywriter: VIP Copywriting Services, a complete email makeover in one week
an adorable doggo with a brown face and white body sits on top of a welcome mat...welcoming you to my women's health copywriter website

You need emails. Lots of emails.

Nurture emails, abandoned cart emails, email funnels for your launch.

Turns out, running a business online requires so.many.written.words.

And there’s no more crucial set of words than the email welcome sequence.

When. you get this right, the welcome sequence could be the highest grossing set of emails you’ll ever send.

But, who’s actually got the time to write a kickass welcome sequence loaded with stories, persuasion, and swagger - and then load it up in your ESP?

This is where my VIP Experience comes in - it’s the perfect way to get your welcome sequence knocked out, so you can start making more money - stat.

I’ll handle your welcome sequence and whip up some tantalizing, revenue-driving words in a flash…while you take care of the things only YOU can do.

Achieve all your wellness copy dreams (fast!) with

OK, so maybe you don’t dream about copy (just me?) but you do have an amazing, validated offer or product that you really, really wanna sell to tons of amazing people and change lives in the process, right?

Welp, to get from here to there —> you’re gonna have to get your messaging and copy all lined up…So your ideal client gets hit with the exact right message at the exact right time in their customer journey.

Enter the convo they’re already having inside their head and all that jazz.

Which you probably already know…

But you’re totally stretched for time and you just want someone to handle those words for you…

So you can get on with the business of running your business.

And…you deserve service that makes you feel like you’re stepping into an elegant spa, getting a massage next to J-Lo.

☝️ That’s exactly what you get with your VIP Experience.

You see, with the VIP Experience, you get to sit back and relax (or attend to the 761 other tasks you need to do to run your business while I confidently handle your copy.

  • No sitting in front of that blank Google doc, awaiting inspiration to descend from the heavens.

  • No frustrating battles with your own copy confidence.

  • No wondering “is this story really gonna work?”

  • No more stressing over subject lines.

  • No fearing that the FDA is about to knock down your door because your copy wasn’t regulatory-friendly.

Nope. Instead, for one week, your welcome sequence will get all of my love.

I’ll tuck myself away in my cozy copy cave, with nothing but my keyboard and your goals to keep me company.

I’ll keep tap, tap, tapping away until I’ve created a stellar welcome sequence that sounds just like you wrote it - ‘cept you didn’t have to spend all week getting annoyed, walking to and from the fridge (pretending you’re looking for inspo but indulging in the moose tracks you found in the back of the freezer instead), or procrasti-cleaning.

health and wellness copywriter

The VIP Experience isn’t a “day rate”

Instead of buying hours and receiving an unknown deliverable at the end of the day - you’ll get a defined project, done and dusted in one week, plus you’ll get a week of support after the project’s over.

The VIP Experience includes a 7-email welcome sequence your readers will love - and so will your cash flow.

Yep, in the span of just one week, I can write you a welcome sequence that will:

  • Increase conversions from the minute a lead signs up for your list

  • Create a stronger bond with your customers (this is where those raving fans/customers for life kinda relationships are built)

  • Tell your story and inject your personality into your welcome series - instead of the boring one you’ve got going on now

  • Encourage buyers to stick around - instead of just grabbing your coupon code and then jumping off your list

And, I’ll set everything up in your ESP so it flows correctly - and is segmented and tagged properly.

But that’s not all you get with this offer 🥳

In addition to a drool-worthy welcome sequence, I’ll also set up another automation of your choice…choose from a:

🎉 Cart abandonment sequence (this one sequence can be a total game-changer!)

🎉 Review gathering flow (a HUGE often missed step that goes wrong when you don’t ask the right way!)

🎉 Post-purchase automation (a major player for future conversions!)

Just between us, are you ready to:

+ Finally get those results that catapult you into the next level of income and impact?

+ Make sales effortlessly, without cheesy gimmicks or cliche marketing techniques?

+ Stay in your zone of genius instead of wasting time writing?

+ Sit back and let your emails do the selling for you?

Then the VIP Experience is what you need!

Amy Griffin

Hey and welcome -

I’m Amy…women’s health copywriter

And I’m an experienced strategist ready to help you increase your results from email marketing.

I hoard plants, have too many pets, and love a pumpkin cream cold brew. I also love writing sales copy that helps health and wellness pros sell their online products confidently + quickly.

I’ve been in the marketing and advertising world since before the internet was a thing…

And my specialty is creating claim-compliant, irresistible copy.

I can’t wait (I’m literally happy dancin’ over here) to help you rake in the cash money from your email list.

I’m thrilled to help you feel confident in your online revenue stream.

Health and Wellness Copywriter

So, how does it work?

Here are the deets:

1. Fill out my short-and-sweet application so I can make sure we go together like PB & dark chocolate.

2. Complete my handy-dandy onboarding questionnaire that’s designed to make your life easy and help me generate badass, money-making copy.

3. We hop on a 60-minute call so I can soak up your voice and find out all of the juicy details of your vision…and then you’re done with this project! Go grab a pellegrino and wait for your copy to arrive in your inbox.

4. I’ll work on your welcome series + bonus flow throughout the week and by Friday, I’ll have it ready in your ESP.

5. The week following your VIP Experience, you have the opportunity to request edits or ask any questions you’ve got via email.

6. You email your list proudly and watch those Stripe notifications start ping-ping-pinging.

Health and Wellness Copywriter

Some Qs I often get about my copywriting services (in case you were wondering too):

  • No problem! I find that the welcome sequence is a great place to start - but I’ll be happy to help you optimize your other flows, manage your list, or send out nurture emails, too.

  • Sure do! You can opt to pay 50% upfront to hold your spot, and 50% the week before your VIP Experience - and if you need another arrangement, I know we can work something out!

  • Probably! Just fill out the contact form here and I’ll get you a custom price.

  • The VIP Experience typically books 4-6 weeks in advance. From there, we have a call before your week starts (to give me time to really marinate in your offer) and then you get your copy loaded into our ESP by the following Friday. Any edits (usually there aren’t any) are done the following week!

  • Nope! You’ll need to hop on a call with me, provide me with any existing assets I can use to help formulate a messaging strategy, and then that’s it. You can go hang at the beach, take a nap, or actually spend time on your other CEO-type activities.

launch copywriter

The VIP Experience is perfect for you if:

  • You’re a women’s health provider, femtech brand, hormone specialist, doctor, naturopath, nutritionist, health coach, physical therapist, pelvic floor specialist, or yoga instructor who is ready to take your online sales to a new level

  • You’re selling a group coaching program, a one-to-one mentorship, a membership, a service, supplements, skin care products, meal replacements, or consumables

  • You’ve got an audience or following that’s active and knows who you are (if you’ve ghosted them for a minute, we can work on building back up your authority too)

  • You’ve tried writing your own copy and you feel stuck, frustrated, or bored with the process

  • You’ve used copy templates that didn’t feel good and you’re ready to see what custom conversion copy can do for your results

Feel confident you’ve got these all locked down? 👇


You’re all set when it comes to your audience and your offer.

Great copy can only work its magic when the other elements of your business are in place.


You’ve got an email list and you’re making at least some sales.

Before you have a list to email, it may not make sense to invest in a copywriter.


You believe in a healthy balance + you don’t promote diet culture.

No offense, but if you’re into severe restriction or any dogmatic health views, I don’t want to help you make money.

Alrighty then, rockstar, let’s make some copy magic ✨