Ask a Women’s Health Copywriter: Top 5 Email Flows to Boost Passive Income

As a women’s health copywriter, I see behind the scenes of so many amazing businesses that are changing lives. It also means I see where women’s health practitioners and brands are missing out on email revenue — because they’re neglecting a few, easy-to-implement email strategies that could be working for them behind the scenes and capturing sales.

I’m talking, of course, about email automations (or flows as they are known in Klaviyo). And if you don’t have these automations set up, I’d recommend you do so right away. It’s not hard to do. And once you’ve done so, you won’t have to touch these emails again. Boom! Sales on auto-pilot.

In this article, I’m going through the 5 most important automations for your women’s health business. From the welcome sequence to the review gathering part of your customer’s journey, I’ll show you how to approach each one.

What Are Email Automations?

Email automations are emails that your email service provider (ESP) sends out automatically after a subscriber takes a certain action. For example, you can make it so that a person who responds to an offer for a discount or free resource receives a set of welcome emails from you after you deliver their discount code. 

Email automations are sometimes called email flows. 

What Email Automations Does My Women’s Health Business Need?

Every business is different, but in this article, I’m sharing the top 5 non-negotiable email flows I set up for my clients so they can see increased revenue on autopilot.

If you’re in the process of setting up your ESP, here’s where I’d start:

1. Welcome Sequence

As a women’s health copywriter, I love the welcome email sequence. This is a chance for you to connect with your subscribers and make sales simultaneously. It’s a win-win and exactly where I’d recommend you start when setting up flows. 

A welcome sequence should be one of the highest-grossing sets of emails you ever send if you do it right. 

I cover the welcome sequence extensively in this article.

2. Abandoned Cart

Next up is the abandoned cart sequence. You know how you put something in your online cart after 30 minutes of deliberating — then your kid screams from downstairs that they’ve spilled apple juice and the dog’s now tearing the carpet trying to clean up the mess…and you never get around to finishing your shopping.

That’s where the abandoned cart email series comes in. 

Maybe you’ve even learned this trick from some huge companies? You put something in your cart and wait for the 10% off discount email to arrive?

Yep, you can do that too! You don’t have to offer a discount if you don’t want to, either. Most companies see a bump in sales just by implementing a simple abandoned cart sequence. 

Imagine, if you captured an additional $500—$5000 per month just from an automatic email that reminds people to finish checking out on your site. That’s insanely easy money.

3. Post-Purchase

This is where I see SO many missed opportunities. When you just send an email that tells your customer their order has shipped and you don’t give any extra details, you’re missing out.

You see, when your customer makes a purchase…they’re excited. They’re looking forward to using the product they’ve purchased from you. 

Why not go a step further and email them about how to get the best results from your product? 

Think about it, if you’re selling supplements for example…the customer gets a little bottle with some really tiny writing on it and they’ve got to figure out when to take your supplement, how many times a day, etc. Go ahead and send them an email outlining how your product works best. 

And, since they’re human, they may need some reminding to continue taking or using your product. Send them some emails along the way, check in with them on how their experience is and ask if they have any questions. 

This set of emails does two things:

1. Establishes goodwill with your customer…which is obviously a good thing…and

2. Helps your customer get the best possible results from using your stuff. Which is super important, because that means they’ll tell their friends, leave you a glowing review, or apply to become a brand ambassador. 

4. Cross Sell

In women’s health, we know that certain imbalances go hand in hand. If someone’s ordered a supplement that boosts progesterone, maybe they’d benefit from something that tamps down estrogen, too. They’d likely benefit from a probiotic, or even an adrenal health supplement as well. 

Why not use this opportunity to talk to them about how different products can help amplify the results they’re seeing from their first purchase?

This one simple act can turn a first-time customer into a repeat buyer — and that’s something we definitely want.

5. Review Gathering

This may be the last item on the list, but it’s one of the most important. If you don’t have a review gathering flow set up, you’re missing out on a crucial piece of the e-commerce puzzle.

Set up a solid review-gathering automation, and every effort you make is automatically amplified. Think about the last time you bought something on Amazon. Did you read the description or scroll right down to the reviews? Exactly. Reviews are critical, no matter how much your audience loves you and trusts you.

Don’t skip out on this step, especially since it’s something you can set up and never have to touch again.

Win more business with your email automations

It doesn’t really matter what type of business you have — email automations are a critical part of your operation. You can use these flows for your e-commerce store and your in-person practice. 

Which one are you going to implement first? I’d love to know!

And if you need help getting these flows set up, I’m here to help! 

Learn more about my Nurture Formula here.