A few years ago, I started working with a client in the women’s health space. They wanted to set up some passive income so they could close their one-on-one practice, move across the country, and then travel the world. Noble goals if you ask me, a women’s health copywriter who loves helping people achieve their dreams.
Now, they had a lot of great things going for them.
They had about 45K subscribers on their email list
They were utilizing a lot of great tactics to grow their email list every day
They sell high-quality products that get great results for women
Their products are definitely considered higher-end but fall into the “expensive but worth it” side of the supplement world. And they also have some smaller digital courses that are less expensive but provide massive value.
First, We Looked At Their Lead Magnets
When you’re building an email list, your lead magnet is your most important passive asset. Obviously, there are other things you can do to build up your list, but they all require man-hours on your part.
A solid lead magnet will last you years. You can create it once and use it over and over and over again to attract new people to your email list.
When thinking about what kind of lead magnet to create:
Keep in mind what your target audience would find very useful
Keep it super valuable
Keep it short — people love easily-digestible things like checklists (short books also work well too)
This particular client had several different ‘segments’ of their audience that needed to be nurtured according to their health needs. They were using one generic lead magnet and trying to make it fit everyone.
Instead, I suggested splitting the lead magnets into categories so we could speak to each segment and tailor messages directly to the needs of each group.
For example, as a women’s health professional, you may have one segment of your audience that looks to you for information on PCOS and another on endometriosis. You’ll need separate lead magnets for each of these groups and separate messaging that follows the lead magnet delivery.
Next, We Set Up Their Automations
Once their lead magnets were created, we planned out how to run traffic to them and promote them on social.
And then, I got to work making sure the messaging and emails for each audience matched up with what they needed to hear.
Each person who signed up to receive a freebie would now get an automated series of 10-20 emails, dripped out over the course of a few weeks
Each of these emails was designed to educate, inspire, and sell solutions to the customers’ problems
Each of these emails feels like it’s coming from a friend
Each of these emails is loaded up with empathy and speaks to the subscriber’s pain points
Each of these emails showcases my client’s personality and unique vibe.
Now - each of these emails brings in thousands of dollars every day on autopilot, to the tune of at least $500K in revenue each month. That translates into over $6 million dollars a year in passive sales!
Yep, my client has a steady, predictable income stream they can rely on without doing anything to these sequences.
Here’s a photo they sent me after the automations had been running for ~14 days.
Then, We Nurture The Heck Out Of Them
Once a subscriber has reached the end of the initial welcome sequence, they continue to receive personality-packed, educational emails.
Because subscribers have had such a great experience on the list up until this point, we’ve developed what I call “subject line irrelevance” — this is where over 50% of the people on the list open up this client’s emails every week…just because it’s from them.
That’s a pretty powerful place to be in.
It means that in addition to their automated emails bringing in $500K+ passive revenue on a monthly basis, each broadcast email generates thousands of dollars, too.
Need Help Getting Your Automations Optimized?
Here’s the thing — not every small business can start generating millions of dollars from their automations overnight.
And some can far exceed those numbers.
But, if you’ve got a decent-sized list that you work on adding to regularly, having a stellar set of automated emails ready and waiting to greet your subscribers with a smile can go a long way towards building up your passive revenue.
If you’d like my help setting up these kinds of emails for you, or you want a pro to take a look at your current sequence and offer some suggestions — just fill in a few details on my application form here.